To start
DeepCpf1, please do the following:
Specifying the options
You can choose to consider
chromatin accessibility for CRISPR-Cpf1 activity prediction.

You can
re-click the option or
select "No" to consider the target sequence compositions only.
You can browse the cell lines by
tissue organ,
cell type or
search with a query.
Select the
target cell line from the alphabetically ordered list of 125 cell lines.
Choose the
tissue organ of your interest and select the
target cell line from the corresponding list.
Choose the
cell type of your interest and select the
target cell line from the corresponding list.
Search and select the
target cell from the database with a
query of your interest.
You must
click a row to select the target cell line.
Input methods
You can either directly
enter FASTA text or
upload a zip-compressed FASTA file.
*(sequence length >= 34)
You can
enter AsCpf1 target sequences in FASTA format.
You can
upload a zip-compressed FASTA file containing AsCpf1 target sequences.
Example input data
You can
copy and paste FASTA text or
download a zip-compressed FASTA file.
Result of DeepCpf1
DeepCpf1 provides the results in a
sortable table.
click a
column header to sort the results of the table.
[Download Results] to save the results as a compressed file.